The Living Water

Goal: Raise $1000 for Jesus Wells

The Living Water

Goal: Raise $1000 for Jesus Wells






Message from Alex

I can't remember if I ever had a day without any access to water. I do however, know what it means to have a thirst inside of you; that no matter how much you try, you cannot quench: The thirst for God.

Jesus said that "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:13-14
By God's Grace, I have access to the water that my body needs, but I also have the Spring of living Water.

My name is Alex and my purpose through the campaign My GFA is to be part of God's Ministry by offering, through faith, to the people in need a Jesus Well, together with the chance for the missionaries there to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and I don't want to stop there. This could be possible only with your help; first of all, financially and through prayer.

I believe and I know that my gratitude and that of the people we help cannot surpass the blessings of God, here and in the everlasting life. God bless you!


Ich erinnere mir nicht an einen Tag an dem mir nicht genug Wasser zur Verfügung stand. Ich weiß aber was es heißt einen inneren Durst zu haben und egal wie sehr du es versuchst, du kannst ihn nicht stillen: Den Durst nach Gott.

Jesus hat gesagt : ,,Jeden, der von diesem Wasser trinkt, wird wieder dürsten; wer aber von dem Wasser trinkt, das ich ihm geben werde, den wird in Ewigkeit nicht dürsten, sondern das Wasser, das ich ihm geben werde, wird in ihm zu einer Quelle von Wasser werden, das bis ins ewige Leben quillt." Johannes 4:13-14. Durch Gottes Gnade habe ich Zugang zu dem Wasser, das mein Körper braucht, aber auch zu der Quelle des lebendigen Wasser.

Mein Name ist Alex und mein Ziel durch die Kampagne My GFA ist ein Teil von Gottes Reich zu sein, indem ich, mit Glaube, den Menschen eine Wasserquelle (Jesus Well), und den Missionaren eiene neue Möglichkeit das Evangelium zu verkünden zu geben. Und das ist mit unserer Hilfe möglich, finanziell und durch Gebet.

Ich glaube und weiß, dass meine Dankbarkeit und die der Menschen denen wir helfen nicht Gottes Segen in diesem und im ewigem Leben übertreffen kann. Gott segne Sie!


Nu-mi amintesc sã fi fost o zi in care sã nu fi avut acces direct la apã. Stiu însã ce înseamnã sã ai o sete pe care oricât ai încerca, nu o poti stâmpãra: setea dupã Dumnezeu.

Isus a spus cã „Oricui bea din apa aceasta îi va fi iarăşi sete. Dar oricui va bea din Apa pe care i-o voi da Eu, în veac nu-i va fi sete; ba încă, Apa pe care i-o voi da Eu se va preface în el într-un izvor de Apă care va ţâşni în viaţa veşnică.” (Ioan 4:13-14).
Prin harul lui Dumnezeu, eu am parte de apa necesarã corpului, dar si de Izvorul nesecat de apã vie.

Mã numesc Alex si scopul meu prin campania My GFA, este sã mã alãtur lucrãrii lui Dumnezeu, prin a oferi, prin credintã, oamenilor in nevoie o fântânã (Jesus Well) împreunã cu o sansã misionarilor sã vesteascã Evanghelia lui Cristos si nu vreau sã mã limitez la atât. Acest lucru este posibil doar prin ajutorul dumneavoastrã, in primul rand financiar sau prin rugãciune.

Cred si stiu ca multumirile mele si a acelor oameni nu pot intrece binecuvantarea lui Dumnezeu aici, si in viata vesnicã.Dumnezeu sã vã binecuvânteze!



$200.00USD Lidia

God Bless you Alex !

$25.00USD Anonymous

may God bless you and everything you do

$50.00USD Anonymous

Bravo Gby

$60.00USD Anonymous


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About Jesus Wells

Read below to learn about where donations go.

Jesus Wells increase the health standards of a village, allowing for children to be nourished and animals to be watered. The wells you provide are located in the village or community, so women and children no longer have to walk hours to find water.

With one well you can save an entire village from waterborne illnesses.

Unlike the dirty water from stagnant ponds, streams or old shallow wells, this water is clean and creates an awareness of good hygiene, leading to fewer medical problems and healthier people.

About GFA World


Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: See communities in Asia and Africa discover the same joy, hope and lasting peace we’ve found in Christ.

We serve to equip missionaries to minister throughout Asia. The projects funded through myGFA each play a significant part in helping missionaries serve more effectively and in transforming communities with the love of Christ.

Learn more about GFA »

Our Stewardship Commitment

GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.



$200.00 USD
God Bless you Alex !
"God Bless you Alex ! "
$25.00 USD
may God bless you and everything you do
"may God bless you and everything you do"
$50.00 USD
Bravo Gby
"Bravo Gby"
$60.00 USD
Grupa de copii Maranata Baia Mare
$100.00 USD
$100.00 USD
$150.00 USD
$124.50 USD
$1.00 USD
$63.80 USD
$101.00 USD
$68.00 USD
$25.00 USD
God bless you & continue to use you for his kingdom!
"God bless you & continue to use you for his kingdom!"