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In America we take so many things for granted because we have so much available to us. In other countries, something as simple as providing clothing for the children is a task that is often times not met because of the extreme poverty they face daily. I love to sew and make quilts and I want to give a mother in Asia the ability to sew for her family and earn extra money to lift them out of poverty. So I'm starting this campaign to raise enough money to buy a single sewing machine. If we all pull together we can send ten or twenty machines on the wings of God's word. Join with me and change the world for people who will appreciate it more than you can imagine.
Many poor families in developing nations don’t make enough money to provide for their daily needs. Sewing machines offer those with no education the opportunity to make enough income to feed the family and to send their children to school.
Your donation will enable GFA World to provide sewing machines to families in need. Every $100 is enough for one sewing machine. Training classes are also given, so each sewing machine can be put to good use.
About GFA World
Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: See communities in Asia and Africa discover the same joy, hope and lasting peace we’ve found in Christ.
We serve to equip missionaries to minister throughout Asia. The projects funded through myGFA each play a significant part in helping missionaries serve more effectively and in transforming communities with the love of Christ.
GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.