2021 Christmas Jesus Well

Goal: Raise $1400 for Jesus Wells

2021 Christmas Jesus Well

Goal: Raise $1400 for Jesus Wells






Message from Melinda

Dear Friends,

This year flew by and here we are at the end of another unusual year but likely, full of thanks and excited to celebrate Christmas with family and friends! This time of the year is extra special as we celebrate the birth of a baby born in a manger, who has forever changed lives and hearts of people all around the world to this day!
This year, the boys and I have decided to start a fundraiser to build a Jesus Well with a non-profit called Gospel for Asia. They have missionaries that work all throughout Asia to share Christ’s love in tangible ways. We would like to ask you to partner with us in this mission. What is a Jesus Well? Quite simply, a well! It provides clean drinking water to about 300 people for up to 20 years!
Please consider helping us reach our financial goal of $1400, which will build a well for an entire village. Your gift is tax-deductible and more importantly will help us all become the feet and hands of Jesus.. taking care of the ones who are truly in need.
Merry Christmas! Thank you for your help of any amount, even if it’s $5!
God Bless each of you! ❤️

“But whosever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” - John 4:14

About Jesus Wells

Read below to learn about where donations go.

Jesus Wells increase the health standards of a village, allowing for children to be nourished and animals to be watered. The wells you provide are located in the village or community, so women and children no longer have to walk hours to find water.

With one well you can save an entire village from waterborne illnesses.

Unlike the dirty water from stagnant ponds, streams or old shallow wells, this water is clean and creates an awareness of good hygiene, leading to fewer medical problems and healthier people.

About GFA World


Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: See communities in Asia and Africa discover the same joy, hope and lasting peace we’ve found in Christ.

We serve to equip missionaries to minister throughout Asia. The projects funded through myGFA each play a significant part in helping missionaries serve more effectively and in transforming communities with the love of Christ.

Learn more about GFA »

Our Stewardship Commitment

GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.




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