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Dear Friends,
Many villages in Asia have no access to clean water. In other villages, clean water is denied to the poor due to social inequality. For only $1,400 a new well can be drilled deep into the earth reaching pure water sources that provide enough water for 30 families.
To help make Christmas special for an entire village that currently has no access to clean water, we have partnered with “Gospel for Asia” to drill a "Jesus Well" for a village in India. However, we need your help to drill and build this new well.
Currently the people in these small villages have to walk many hours to get their water (mostly the mothers and children) and it's usually from stagnant ponds, streams or old shallow wells. The water from these newly drilled wells is clean and located in the center of the village. This location saves many hours of time that can be used for school, household duties, work and time with friends and family. Local contractors drill and build the wells, which helps their local economy by providing jobs.
The UN reported that India is ranked 120th out of the 122 worst countries for the quality of water available to its citizens. It is estimated that 70% of India's water supply is seriously polluted with sewage effluents. Over 3 million people die every year from drinking polluted water including 1.2 million children.
With just one newly drilled well we can save an entire village from waterborne illnesses, promote good hygiene, and put a smile on many faces!
Each “Jesus Well” has a plaque next to it with a scripture about the "living water" (such as John 4:11-13) and these wells give the native missionaries an opportunity to share the love of Christ with their community.
Together, lets provide fresh clean water for drinking, cooking, bathing and watering for animals, while also helping to share the good news of Jesus with our friends in South Asia.
All donations go directly to "Gospel for Asia" and they use 100% of the funds for the well. Donations can be made directly from the "Donate" link on this webpage. You may also share your prayer for the families who desperately need this new well. To do so, just fill in the box provided on the "donate>" tab located on the right side of this web page.
Please pray for the well to be funded, the families to be blessed with their new clean and fresh water, and also for them to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Thank You, and may you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas, and a very blessed 2016!
Bill & Lori Donohue
Read below to learn about where donations go.
Jesus Wells increase the health standards of a village, allowing for children to be nourished and animals to be watered. The wells you provide are located in the village or community, so women and children no longer have to walk hours to find water.
With one well you can save an entire village from waterborne illnesses.
Unlike the dirty water from stagnant ponds, streams or old shallow wells, this water is clean and creates an awareness of good hygiene, leading to fewer medical problems and healthier people.
About GFA World
Since 1979, GFA has existed to fulfill one passion: See communities in Asia and Africa discover the same joy, hope and lasting peace we’ve found in Christ.
We serve to equip missionaries to minister throughout Asia. The projects funded through myGFA each play a significant part in helping missionaries serve more effectively and in transforming communities with the love of Christ.
GFA World is dedicated to the most effective and efficient stewardship of resources, according to 1 Corinthians 3:12-14. Contributions to GFA are income tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. All gift options represent GFA's actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. GFA World seeks to use contributions raised for a particular ministry in furtherance of that charitable objective, but retains control and discretion over all donated funds to further its overall charitable objectives.